Welcome to the website highlighting my Wolves football programme collection
This website highlights my Wolves programme collection. This is mainly Post-war to date but there are the odd pre-war and war time issues that I will add as I expand my collection.
Although the website contains a list of all programmes issued and competitive games played I have only included pictures of the programmes that I have in my collection. Please also note that this is a work in progress so some sections are not complete.
As with all projects of this kind there will be mistakes and omissions. If anybody has any information missing from my site or corrections please contact me via the contact page. In particular I am always looking for information on postponed matches and information on which European away matches had programmes issued.
Finally if you have a programme for sale that is not in my collection do get in touch and let me know the condition and price.
Please also visit my programme blog site and feel free to comment, I look forward to hearing from you.
I hope you find it the site useful and informative. Play up the Wolves!